Aug 27, 2003

PART V of TROLLING IN TENNESSEE: Search for signs of intelligent life.
FREEPERS, FALWELLIANS, FAUX NEWS FANATICS, ASSCRAFTERS, BUTTCANNONS, CARLSONITES, COULTERGEISTS, 700 CLUBBERS, PSEUDO-CHRISTIAN PATRIONAUGHTS, HAN-NINNEYS, HORRORWITZES, HALFWITS, HESTONIAN GUN NUTS, DITTOHEADS, & NEWS-MAXED DRUDGES: RightWingNuts one and all this is for you. Trolling in Tennessee with BJ and Bustin is exploring the political orientation of some of the inhabitants of Tennessee in search of any semblance of logic or intelligence. Tuesday in Cumberland County
Cumberland County sits atop the Cumberland plateau on I-40 above Roane County in the Tennessee Valley. The three stars on the Tennessee flag stand for the three regions of the State and Cumberland is the last county in the East I will cover on this trip. The East is defined by Bluegrass and Mountain music and the Tennessee River Valley bordered by the Great Smoky Mountains on the East and the Cumberland Plateau on the West.
Cumberland Demographics:
Population, 2000 46,802 percent change 34.7% since 1990
Persons 65 years old and over 20.5%
White persons 98.1% Black or African American 0.1%
High school graduates 72.5% Bachelor's degree or higher13.7%
Median income, 1999 $30,901 money income $16,808 below poverty14.7%
The high growth rate and high number of 65 and older are indicative of the large retirement communities Fairfield Glade and Lake Tansi built around golf courses and small lakes on this rugged plateau of black oak and pine. My brother lives in Crossville and there are so few non-whites here that he has never seen one. It is carved with great white water for kayaks and canoes. The natives are white, poor and just over 50% High School educated and the retiree’s hold most of those college degrees. 7000 of these folk voted for Al Gore and 11,000 voted Republican in a county with per capita income of $16,808 and a poverty level of 15%. Figure it out for yourself.
Here the tour leaves the Eastern Division of the Great State of Tennessee and drops down to the Central Basin. Most of the remainder of the Eastern Counties are 65 to 35% Republican, 70% HS or above (15%) educated, 14% below the poverty line, 95% White, with a per capita income around $16,000 and a wide have vs. have not disparity. The only answer to their Republican politics is that they think they are in the top 5% of income earners and they harbor a deep fear of non-white Americans. This is BJ and Bustin's home turf.

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