May 31, 2003

Thanks to SouthKnoxBubba and the rest of the Rocky Top Brigade for inclusion in the RTB ranks. As soon as I can figure out how you put that list of recommended BLOGS at the side I will be listing the RTB on my BLOG. Any hints would be appreciated.


On SEPTEMBER 10, 2001 (That’s right – the day before 9-11) I was preparing to leave my (then) home in San Pedro (South Bay of LA) California for LAX (Los Angeles International Airport) to pick up a business partner who was taking the last Southwest Airlines Flight of the evening from San Jose to LA. My telephone rang as I was headed for the door.
Bill (my friend and partner) said he was calling from inside the airplane on the tarmac at San Jose Airport. He said that the airplane was being approached and surrounded by a large number of security and police vehicles. He said that I should wait before leaving for LAX because it looked like he would be delayed. He sounded worried.

Two hours passed before I heard from him again. This was his story:
“The airplane was towed to a remote area of San Jose Airport and the passengers were debarked to busses.” He said, “ We were taken to a large hanger and each passenger was asked for identification.” Several of the male passengers were escorted from the room and the remainder of the passengers were bussed back to the main terminal. The baggage was returned and those passengers were told to return to the airport on 9-11 for a morning flight. Bill then said that he would call in the morning when he knew his new ETA.

At 7 am on the morning of the September 11, 2001 Bill called to tell me to turn on the television. We spoke as we watched the South Tower struck by the second flight. It was clear that he would not be flying to Los Angeles that morning and indeed the court hearing we were scheduled to attend was cancelled.

For weeks and months we searched the media certain that someone would reveal what was known in San Jose on the night of September 10 2001. Finally I gave up looking and started e-mailing investigative reporters. I have not even received a reply to my requests for information or investigation.

It seemed clear to us as experienced (Delta Million Mile Club) frequent fliers that the extreme nature of the events of that night in San Jose meant that someone knew something about a threat to US airliners 12 hours before the hijacking began in Boston.

Finally today I received an e-mail reply from AL FELZENBERG who answered my e-mail to Ms. Gorelick of the 9-11 Commission:


I have passed your communication along to our investigators and I thank you
very much for sending it along. I know it will be helpful to them.

Al Felzenberg

I do find it interesting with all of the investigative pieces on the Internet that TRUTHOUT or From the Wilderness or MOVE ON or some paper like the San Jose Mercury or The San Francisco Chronicle would not want to follow up on this information.

Maybe there is no connection BUT how would we know??

Comment in the RTB Forum

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